OPEN Ventura is the Ventura County branch of Experience Unlimited.
- We are an all-volunteer group of career professionals in transition.
- Our goal is to do our best to assist in your employment search and shorten the length of time you are unemployed.
- We provide no-cost job search assistance for Ventura’s salaried professionals
- We are a “Community of Support”
- We are an all-volunteer group of career professionals in transition.
Our at no-cost offer:
The latest job search techniques and strategies to maximize efficiency in finding opportunities
The strategies and newest technologies in job posting, job searching and recruiting
One-on-One resume writing, review, optimization, and presentation
Personalized support tailored to your career goals and industry
Guidance towards showcasing yourself through a modern resume, cover letter and professional profile
The latest approach to interviewing and salary negotiation techniques
Interview preparation and practice
Networking with like-minded professionals who understand the local job market
OPEN Ventura Executive Committee
How we assist in making it happen?
We meet almost every Friday to discuss a special topic or element of the “search for a job - job landing” process.
- Meetings are no longer than two hours (somewhat longer in some occasions)
- Are strictly fun and focused discussions
- Empower learning and networking
- Provide the skills to gain self-confidence
- Allow you to discover end exploit your professional potential
- Help in making you “attractive” to recruiters
- Teach how to optimize your potential
- Assist in developing an organized strategy based on up-to-date technologies, processes and formats.
Our goal is to do our best to assist you in your employment search and shorten the length of time you are unemployed.